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We're in This Together

What is COVID-19?

The newly identified coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is caused by a virus called SARS-CoV 2. First identified in China in December 2019, COVID-19 has infected more than a million people around the world.

Lats Updated: 04/15/2020, 7:00 CEST

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak situation

At the Accalia Dermatological Clinic, we have assembled an outstanding team of doctors who are innovators in the cosmetic and dermatology fields.

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Q&A on Coronaviruses (COVID-19)

Frequently Asked Questions

This virus gets inside our body by respiratory etiquette violation. It causes pneumonia and shortness of breath.

This virus gets inside our body by respiratory etiquette violation. It causes pneumonia and shortness of breath. The symptoms are fever, sore throat, dry cough and lung pain.

This virus gets inside our body by respiratory etiquette violation. It causes pneumonia and shortness of breath.

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